Headaches can be caused by everyday stress and tension, eye strain and mechanical dysfunction, especially via the neck, such as; an historic impact like a car accident – the effects of which can linger for years. Osteopathic treatment, especially of the Cranial variety, applied throughout the system but with particular attention to the upper body may offer a favourable response.
Migraine Prevention may also be possible with the above approach in conjunction with increased hydration, dietary changes and stress management. It is important to note that for such a regime to be effective regular appointments, especially initially, may reduce the likelihood of the body slipping back into its old symptom producing strain patterns.
Hydration is crucial in the fight against headaches and migraines. Most of us do not drink enough, especially of the right things and when it comes to headaches you can’t beat water. Everyone needs water and much more than we expect, every structure in our bodies consists of a high proportion of water and without it our health suffers and our symptoms increase, just think about how it feels to have a hangover, a prime example of the effects of dehydration on our bodies.
Dietary Changes are of prime importance when trying to combat headaches and especially migraines. Certain foods particularly Cheese, Chocolate, Coffee, Oranges and Alcohol are well known for their dramatic impact on headache and migraine sufferers but many other foods can also be relevant because of their inflammatory properties so clean eating programs and tailored to the individual exclusion diets are a consideration if you truly want to achieve beneficial change.
Stress Management is very important because as stress levels soar muscle tension also increases producing a vice like clamping effect throughout the skull and spine which may lead to reduced or asymmetric movement and therefore potentially a lack of fluid drainage and as a consequence, toxin build-up, which can trigger an attack. Breathing techniques, EFT Tapping, Hypnotherapy, Counselling and Meditation are all invaluable along with simple steps such as regular exercise, an improved work/life balance and quality family/’me’ time.
Neuralgia or nerve pain may occur anywhere throughout the body such as arm or face pain but as every structure has a nerve supply there is always the possibility that pain may be referred from the spine. Osteopathy is often indicated in such circumstances because it aids movement potentially promoting circulatory and lymphatic function and therefore fluid drainage. If Osteopathic treatment is pursued regularly and combined with practitioner prescribed self-help methods then gradually, many patients notice a steady reduction in symptomatology.
Stress may also be a factor so it may be worth seeing our Stress Consultant for treatment and self-help advice. Please click this link for more information www.romneymarshosteopaths.co.uk/treatments/stress-consultant
If you are interested in learning more about Cranial Osteopathy, please click this link for more information: