Osteopathy is the art, science and philosophy of detecting and correcting interferences in the body’s natural ability to self-heal, it is therefore potentially capable of so much more than simply providing symptomatic relief to sufferers of backache.
Osteopathic Treatment rationale is based on scientific knowledge which states that the nervous and circulatory systems control the function of the entire body, including all the cells, tissues, muscles and organs as well as the skeletal system. Osteopathy is also derived from a mechanical model which dictates that each area has a knock on effect to every other local or global structure, so an impact or issue in one area can frequently show it’s self anywhere else within the body.
For example, imagine that you have just twisted your ankle, instinctively you will alter your walking style or gait to take the pressure off and therefore reduce the local pain. What is wrong with that you may ask? Well this altered foot and ankle posture will create an increase in work load for the other surrounding structures, so there is every chance that this mechanical shift will shunt the problem up and your low back will most likely feel the brunt of this perambulatory asymmetry.
Often, given a few days or weeks, our pain levels subside after suffering a low grade mechanical trauma, as described above, but it is very worthwhile considering undertaking a check up with your Osteopath so that they can address any underlying mechanical restrictions that may still remain in your musculo-skeletal system.
Every day people suffer from stresses and strains which may upset their delicate mechanical balance, such as:
- Physical – accidents/falls, poor/repetitive posture, lack of exercise.
- Emotional – lifestyle, pressure of work/home.
- Chemical – poor diet, drugs/alcohol, dehydration, allergens/pollutants.
These three forms of stress may possibly either lead to or compound existing vertebral lesion/organic dysfunction potentially producing a whole range of symptomatology such as; Headaches, Back and Neck pain, Neuralgia and Sciatica, Tension and Relaxation Issues, Joint Pains plus Circulatory and Digestive Disorders.
All Osteopaths are trained to locate restrictions within the musculo-skeletal system and correct them by a variety of techniques; from the extremely gentle right through to the robust end of the spectrum, tailored to suit each individual patient and their circumstances, thereby potentially reducing symptoms, improving patient health and increasing mobility.
Your Osteopath will always take your treatment approach preferences into consideration so you can rest assured that they will not use any techniques that you do not want them to. If during treatment you feel uncomfortable in anyway please do let your practitioner know so they can discuss this with you and alter the technique, where required.
Structural Osteopathy: is probably the most well-known approach within the Osteopaths toolbox, which comprises of soft tissue massage, passive and active muscle stretching plus joint articulations and, where relevant, spinal manipulations. It is important, however, to stress that your Osteopath will not use any technique they deem to be unsafe for you, even if you have received it previously or you specifically request that approach, they will of course be more than happy to explain their reasoning behind this decision taken for the benefit of your health.
Here at Romney Marsh Osteopaths each patient is encouraged to take an active role in their own rehabilitation program. The available treatment options will generally be discussed with you from the outset, allowing you to have your say, and where it is safe to do so your preferences will of course be honoured.
You will also you will be given extensive self-help information with a view to speeding your recovery by; improving your resting postural alignment, reducing your mechanical loading and empowering you to reduce your own inflammation levels as well as teaching you how to effectively stretch or tone any relevant restricting/supporting muscle tissues.
Further information such as appropriate activity levels, lifestyle factors, footwear options and dietary or supplement advice may also be relevant. Do please ask your practitioner as to what they would advise for your particular circumstances as they will always be very happy to teach you more about how to take control of your recovery.
If you are interested in a more gentle approach to Osteopathy please click the image below to view our dedicated Cranial and Functional Osteopathy page:
For more information please watch the following video: