What is a Stress Consultant?
A Stress Consultant is a trained professional who supports patients and clients understand and deal with their stress and its impact on their life and health by helping individuals to recognise their stresses and stress triggers.
We then help to guide our clients towards looking at ways to proactively reduce and deal with their stress and stress related symptoms. They may also offer treatment via various bespoke mind-body modalities, as well as teach their clients relaxation techniques and coping methods to use both on a regular daily basis and also during times of crisis.
During her career as an Osteopath Kate has become interested in the mind-body connection, as she has frequently found ongoing stresses and underlying emotional traumas have limited recovery in many patients. After extensive study, under the umbrella of Stress Consultant, Kate offers a unique Mind-Body Therapeutic approach which can combine Talking Therapy and Trance Therapy with her Hands-on Treatments, Scar Tissue work and Energy Healing practices, to help restore your physical and emotional balance, potentially allowing more of your health concerns to be addressed.
Talking Therapy: Life Coaching, NLP, CBT and Meridian Psychotherapy,
Trance Therapy: Sanomentology, a blend of hypnotherapy, guided visualisations and lucid dreaming,
Hands-on Treatment: Cranial Osteopathy, Functional Osteopathy and Cranio-Sacral Therapy,
Scar Tissue: Hands-on MSTR Scar Tissue Release Technique and Functional Osteopathy,
Energy Healing: Osteodouce and Reiki Healing,
Are you stressed at work? Do you feel anxious? Is stress or anxiety holding you back?
Talking Therapy: a combination of; Life Coaching, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Meridian Psychotherapy and Stress Management, blended into a bespoke approach to help you address; your anxieties about the past, present or future, plus focus on personal projects, life transitions, relationships, career, fitness, time management, mind-set, assertiveness and financial concerns.
Talking Therapies can be combined with Sanomentology or with Cranial Osteopathy/Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Energy Therapy during different appointments within a treatment programme.
Trance Therapy: a combination of; hypnotherapy, guided visualisation and lucid dreaming, referred to as Sanomentology, aimed at resolving any negative programming which has created conflict between the conscious & unconscious mind. This approach can be very beneficial for pain, anxiety & chronic conditions triggered or perpetuated by stress and trauma, especially for those who really don’t want to over talk about their history, but appreciate diffusing their past is the key to improving their health and unlocking their future potential.
Sanomentology can can combined with Talking Therapy or with Cranial Osteopathy/Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Energy Therapy during different appointments within a treatment programme.
What is Sanomentology?
The word Sanomentology means the study and learning of the mind, and how to heal, restore, repair and make whole, formerly Rapid Pain Elimination Therapy or Mind Mediation, and sometimes referred to as Sanotherapy, is a therapeutic method that merges; science, psychology, philosophy, hypnotherapy and visualisation techniques to work with the mind at a deeper more connected level, enabling conditions such as; Chronic Pain and Illnesses, Fears and Phobias, Weight Management Concerns, Addictions, Trauma and PTSD, Anxiety and Depression, plus many more health concerns, especially where stress, past or present, triggered, to be sensitively and non-traumatically addressed, often without the need to unnecessarily bare your soul or relive bad experiences.
Through Sanomentology together we can help you release those underlying issues, even if you are not aware of them, so that you can be freed from your painful past, blast through those things that hold you back and become the best version of yourself, allowing you to choose to take back that life you truly deserve. This wonderful treatment can often quickly make a difference but for lasting change a course of treatment tailored to your situation is often most effective.
What does Kate say:
I discovered this approach in spring/summer 2019 and after a period of research decided to try it for myself. I was diagnosed with eczema as a baby and had struggled with this all my life despite allergy tests, exclusion diets, scrupulous self-care regimes and trying every therapy you can imagine, including regular hypnotherapy. Whilst these options all supported my health, they didn’t offer me the breakthrough I was searching for. Sanomentology, however, has helped me beyond my expectations, so I just had to become a Sanomentologist so that I too can offer you the opportunity to potentially transform your health and enhance your life.
Sanomentology is not an alternative to medical treatment so do see your medical practitioner or allied healthcare provider first, especially with regards to any undiagnosed health concerns. If you are interested in finding out more then please call reception on 01797 361111 and ask to book an appointment or request a call back from Kate.
In January 2019 Kate, (before qualifying as a Sanomentologist), spoke about her Talking Therapies on the Health Matters Radio Show, if you are interested in listening in please click play and if you’d like to skip the musical intro fast forward to 1:30 minutes:
Other Stress Consultant Modalities:
Kate also includes her all her hands-on treatment options plus MSTR Scar Tissue Release and Energy Healing under the umbrella of Stress Consultant, each of which has its own dedicated information page. For more details on any of these approaches please click on the links below:
Hands-on Treatment: If you’re interested in Cranial Osteopathy/Cranio-Sacral Therapy please visit our dedicated page:
Scar Tissue: If you are interested in MSTR Scar Tissue Release or Functional Osteopathy please visit our dedicated page:
Energy Healing: If you are interested in Osteodouce or Reiki Energy Healing please visit our dedicated page:
Stress Consultant and Sanomentology Appointments: are available Face-to-Face at Romney Marsh Osteopaths and Kate’s non-hands on/non-scar release elements; Talking Therapy, Sanomentology and Energy Healing are also available Remotely via our Telehealth system, please call (01797) 361111 to schedule your consultation or to request a call back. Kate also works online as a Health Coach and Therapist under the banner of The Mind-Body Reset, which promotes optimal health and wellness for busy women.
Social Media:
We are active on Facebook and Instagram plus Kate has a professional profile on Linked In as The Mind-Body Reset.
Romney Marsh Osteopaths and Kate Miles Stress Consultant:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/romneymarshosteopaths
Instagram: www.instagram.com/romneymarshosteopaths/?modal=admin_todo_tour
The Mind-Body Reset:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/themindbodyreset/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Instagram: www.instagram.com/the_mind_body_reset
Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/kate-miles-the-mind-body-reset-a0628422b
The Mind-Body Reset Free Group:
This is a free Facebook community open to cis gender and trans women experiencing stress or stress related health concerns, who want to lean more about practicing self-care and how to improve their symptoms naturally. There are regular information posts and videos plus monthly healthy lifestyle challenges as well as opportunities to engage with Kate and the other like-minded group members. This is a private community so no-one outside the group can access this content.